Personal, Demonstrative And Interrogative German Pronouns

Pronouns are words that often take the place of nouns or groups of nouns. They are used to avoid having to repeat things.

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns represent the speaker or the person or spoken to. They can also replace a person, a noun or a group of nouns. Depending on their role in the sentence their form reflect the appropriate grammatical case.


1st person 2nd person

3rd person

masculine neuter faminine
nominative ich du er es sie
accusative mich dich ihn es sie
dative mir dir ihm ihm ihr
genitive meiner deiner seiner seiner ihrer

1st person 2nd person 3rd person polite form
nominative wir ihr sie Sie
accusative uns euch sie Sie
dative uns euch ihnen Ihnen
genitive unser/unserer euer/eurer ihrer Ihrer

Possessive Article and Possessive pronouns

A possessive article indicates the person something belong to

1st person ich I mein my

wir we unser our
2nd person du you dein your

Sie you (formal) Ihr your

ihr you (plural) euer your

Sie you (formal,plural) Ihr your
3nd person er he sein his

es it sein its

sie she ihr her

sie they ihr their

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns “demonstrate” whether something is here or there.
The words that can be used as demonstrative pronouns in German are:

der, die, das this/that
dieser this
jener that
solcher such
derjenige the one
derselbe the same

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used when asking questions.
  • To ask about person use wer?
  • To ask about thing use was?
When use interrogative pronouns together with propositions. We have to distinguish a person and a thing.
  • To ask about person use wer?
  • To ask about thing use wo?
Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns only occur in the accusative and dative form.

accusative dative
ich mich mir
du dich dir
er/sie/es sich sich
wir uns uns
ihr euch euch
sie/Sie sich sich