Proper Usage Of Nouns In German

Nouns are used to give names to people, objects and things, as well as abstract ideas and are always written with a capital letter in German.


In German every noun has a grammatical gender. The gender is shown by the article in front of the noun. The three genders are;
  • Masculine
  • Neuter
  • Feminine
In general grammatical gender is not necessarily based on natural gender. Although there are a few rules which can help predict the gender of a noun, the following can only ever serve as guidelines; many exceptions will be found. The safest approach to gender is always to learn each noun with the appropriate definite article (der, die or das).


  • Male persons, male jobs/occupation, male animals
  • Days of the week, months, seasons
  • Most nouns with the following endings -and/-ant, -ent, -er, -ig, -ismus, -ist, -ling, -or


  • Many nouns with the prefix Ge- at the beginning
  • The infinitive forms of verbs acting as nouns
  • Young persons and animals
  • Point of the compass and vocabulary relating to weather
  • Make of car
  • Rock and minerals
  • Alcoholic drinks (except beer ‘das Bier‘)
  • All nouns ending in -chen, -lein
  • A lot of nouns ending in -nis, -ment, -o, -t(r)um


  • Femal persons, femal jobs/occupations adn femal animals
  • Many flower and trees
  • Motorcycles, ships and aeroplanes
  • Numerals uses as nouns
  • Nouns derived from measurement or size adjectives
  • Most nouns ending in -ei, -enz, -heit, -keit, -ie, -ik, -in, -ion, -schaft -tät, -ung